Thursday, May 3, 2007

Quivering for Ray-J????

I am so mad right now,

I watched the Ray-J/Kim Kardashian tape last night that you sent. At first, I was like "ho-hum", two corny not-on-the-listers fooling around with each other and a video camera. SNOOZE. Then, it started getting going, and well I was shocked at little Ray-J, who I must comment....ain't so little! What has the world come to when I felt some loin quivers for Brandy's corny ass little brother????? WHAT?! But little man was kind of working it for the cameras. I feel sick and dirty and infected. Can non-Catholics go to confession? Cause I have sinned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please no more Ray J comments.....i'm not gonna say it again!!