Friday, May 11, 2007

Another Bob Marley Biter

Why is it that everywhere I turn, in whatever part of the world someone is trying to make money off of Bob Marley? Take in point the latest biter, C-list actor and Spike Lee muse Roger Guenvuer Smith who is brining his one-man show "Who Killed Bob Marley" to the Calabash Literary Festival in Treasure Beach, Jamaica later this month. I seriously have a problem with a guy who is born in Berkley, California who claims to have met Bob once, to then turn around and use the legend's name in an effort to catapult to fame.
This is how Roger described his show to the Jamaica Observer, "For me, it's a cultural question, it's very personal. It has everything to do with how I identify myself with Jamaica, with music, as represented by Bob and the overall culture."Yeah whatever dude! I would love to know how much you know about Jamaican culture when you are in the throes of a shoot-out in Matches Lane. It will be interesting to see how you survive then, after all Matches Lane is no Jakes!

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