Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Black Jackie O?

Did you catch Michelle Obama's interview on Good Morning America this morning? Again Michelle fails to disappoint on the fashion front as she channeled Jackie O with a white cocktail dress and the two-strand aqua beads (okay, Jackie's were three-strand but these work too-very fresh and of the season!) Maybe I would have done a different pair of shoes (the black is a little harsh with a white dress and no black accessories) but instead of being overly critical (as always) I have to big up Michelle for pulling this look together. Tres chic! I can see her in the White House already.


themrmister said...

on point, shoes were a slip . now if we work on the hair, straightening iron , anyone?

Chase said...

mmmm, how about a stronger relaxer creme? and sloane, i cant believe if you asked me if i watched GMA. Um, as if I can even function in the morning to turn on my television!