How's this for a story? You are a wealthy aristocrat but you have a drug problem. You go to rehab, where you meet a nice girl. You date for two years and then decide to get married. Your wedding is the society event of the year because your bride is a fashionista and you are stinking rich! Of course American Vogue gets the exclusive on the wedding.
Your bride loves shoes and borrows around $300,000 from her father to start a luxury shoe label. You run the business and suddenly the name becomes a must have for fashion whores around the globe.
As the business expands your marriage begins to crumble. You and your wife get separated and eventually divorced. Then you start to act like a psycho. Now because your ex won't disclose the value of the company and you need to ensure that you get "your half" (even though you have more than enough of your own already) you pay a company to hack into your ex-wife's computer.
Your ex-wife is no fool and catches on to you. She gets pissed and decides to take you to court where you are face up to five years in jail for 15 charges including conspiracy to defraud.
That's the story of Matthew Mellon, ex-husband of Jimmy Choo President Tamara Mellon.
What unnecessary drama greediness can bring!
{Daily Express}
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