Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Crazy Love

Picture: Producer of Crazy Love Dan Klores, Linda and Burt Pugach (l-r)


It has been weeks since I have gone to the movies. Seems as if nothing good is showing in this down time before the big-picture release weekend at the end of the month. The only movies that I will go to see this month are Waitress and Georgia Rule starring Lindsay Lohan and Jane Fonda which opens on 5/11. June is going to be a big movie month as I want to see Ocean's Thirteen, Live Free or Die Hard and Crazy Love.

Out of all these movies, I am dying to see Crazy Love the most. The film is based on a true story- the love story of Burt and Linda Pugach. In the fall of 1957 when Burt Pugach met Linda Riss, Pugach was a married New York City attorney and Riss was a 20-year-old single gal from the Bronx. Burt and Linda dated for two years only to break-up in 1959 and what happens next is a little more than crazy.

Distraught by the demise of their relationship, Burt hired three thugs to throw lye in Linda's eyes, which then caused her partial blindness and landed him a 14-year sentence in jail. This psychotic and psychologically disturbing love story made headlines all over New York and in 1974 the media had a field day when, a year after making parole, Burt and Linda married.

Yeah, crazy right? Is that love or co-dependence or what?

Burt and Linda are both still alive and married today. There is of course more to the story so we must go see it. Crazy Love opens June 1.


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