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The Beyonce hair saga continues
As a reader of black interest blogs, I must tell you there is a constant conversation over the length - or lack there of - of Beyonce's real hair. Now to me, it is a given that the girl's real hair must be broken as all hell because of how long and how much she wears wigs and weaves. I mean come on, this is the biggest issue with weave - what it does to your actual hair. But, as is the disease of black people and hair, the debate rages on. On one side we have those who point to baby pictures and her "creole" roots to say she has the much sought after "good hair". The other side points to photographic evidence of shoulder-length, thin hair that may be short but is still "good". Sigh, how black people never cease to amaze me. So the latest comes from Lessons Learned, have we finally solved the mystery? Will black people ever get past their hair issues? Will I ever figure out the mystery of lace fronts? So many questions....
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