Do you recall our discussion about Usher's fiancee Tameka Foster? I knew it from the start that when she came on the scene she was up to no good. See I was puzzled as to how this unattractive, slightly overweight chic could bag a guy like Usher. Not as if Usher is on my top 10 list, but still, to some he was considered an eligible bachelor. He has tons of loot and could get any girl he wanted and so it was perplexing to me how he could turn around and bag a Lenox Square Mall-looking-chic like Tameka. Anyways a year and a half has passed, Usher puts on a ton or weight and then these two get engaged. Well the latest out of the camp is that Ms. Tameka is expecting a baby for Mr."You Make Me Wanna." Seems like a set up to me. THIS WILL BE TAMEKA'S 4TH CHILD!!!!! I don't know what concoction this girl put in Usher's Cristal, but she certainly has some magic trick that she needs to share with all the other Atl. looking ho's out there. I can only pray that Usher has a good prenup.
When I tell you I am flabbergasted myself...i wouldnt call her unattractice but she is in her damn 40s i think and was married when she and usher started hooking up...married with 3 children. I just dont get it myself...in fact i think most of his fans and obvservers are like "huh?"
you know what, she must have that voodoo pu$$y like Erykah Badu and Angelina Jolie...take one hit and you are a goner!
um, she is a man. i know there is an extra chromosome on the genectic code. she lucklily passed to be a woman, but i know she shaves twice a day and fears her adam's apple and i know she has an outtie down there.
does she or does she not favor wesley snipes in "to wong foo..."?
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