...............................but best believe, my Posh is NEVER down for the count.....we will be back....mark my words, we.will.be.back!!!

Meet Sloane and Chase; upper crust divas who can’t yet afford the upper or the crust. What they lack in dowry, they make up for in being natural born haters. The lace gloves are off and anyone is fair game.
I like it. The over the top, French maid meets 80s drag queen/ punk edge is working. She cd have changed the jacket, but I still like it. This is way better than that tacky assed purple mess she had on with the flower-girl bow in the back. Yuck!
You know how I LOVE drag queen couture!!
ok yes, the tights are disgusting, but this is posh. you can't turn your back on the girl when she is just being she.
also, no matter what she's doing below the neck, she still has the HOTTEST HAIR in the 'wood. the cut and color are just champion. who else could even pull it off?
i don't see how anyone can appreciate that rihanna knock off cut when you've got this original to compare it to everyday.
This is my point with Posh- so many misses and so few hits. She sucks!
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