Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Countdown


No comment about me being MIA. As you know there is still no access to the Internet in the third world, so yeah, I couldn't blog. Anyways I am back and I am counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until Paris Hilton's release from jail. Apart from the media frenzy that will be ignited tomorrow (makes for good TV and lots of blog surfing) what I am most looking forward to is Paris' Larry King interview on Wednesday night.

I can't wait to get a taste of Paris' psyche- has she changed or is it all an act? What kind of soft ball questions will Larry King ask for an entire hour (well around 40 mins give or take with commercials)? What will she wear? Certainly she will not be going for the dumb blonde look- don't you remember her comments in the first week of jail when she said to Babs Walters that she is through with being dumb.

I can't wait!

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