My goodness, with all of the damn money that Britney Spears has can't she pay someone to style her? Doesn't she realize that it may be beneficial to her career to be photographed looking half-decent or do you think that she thrives this reputation of being a freak? There are simply no words to describe this outfit, so I will let the picture speak for itself.
P.S. The hunt for Jayden James continues...I read something about him possibly having fetal alcohol syndrome- could this be true?
Im sure by now britney's hair is long enough to have it in a cute bob.. THROW AWAY THEM WIGS GIRL!!!
She needs a stylist pronto.. poor girl.. truely is trash now
Like, can we talk about this? Britney is really on some other sh*t right now! I mean, I know I wear my mom's skirts but damn! She's on another level!
honestly, she looks better in sneakers than heels. the girl has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what she's doing. WHEN is the fashion intervention coming? how much more are we supposed to take?!
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