Meet Sloane and Chase; upper crust divas who can’t yet afford the upper or the crust. What they lack in dowry, they make up for in being natural born haters. The lace gloves are off and anyone is fair game.
Harry's beach opens for the season with loads of sand, volleyball, live music, black Angus beef dogs and Gaffel Kolsch. The beach may be fake, but we've been assured that the booze isn't.411: May 25, 4pm, 2-03 Borden Ave, Long Island City, 212-742-1969
I must say it does sound tempting, but then the reality of NYC sinks in and my head just fills with visions of toxic sand, soft breezes filled with the smell of rotting fish, sticky skinned hipsters crowding the bar in cut off black skinny jean shorts. No, I can't....I just can't.
...thanks to Afua for the link!
What? You are telling me you don't groom yourself in the reflection of your sunglasses lense? Thanks to Korin for the youtube link!