Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Brangelina would never let Baby Z look like this

So, these are Thandie Newton's children. Are you surprised really? And more to the point, would Brad and Angie ever, EVER, let Baby Z out the house like this? My Brad is even up on the Carols' Daughter hair products. Its just a shame, I just need Thandie to tap into her African roots and remember; our hair is our crown - MUST BE MAINTAINED!!!!


Anonymous said...

Well I suppose she ought to throw a lye relaxer up in their hair and tame the savage naps, huh? The children look like children. Nothing... I repeat... NOTHING... is wrong with their hair. (This sounds like more of that good hair bad hair crap from way way back that we somehow can't shed). Despite having a celebrity mom they don't have to look like porcelain dolls all the time. Clearly you aren't a parent because most children can't stand the idea of get their hair done regulary, much less as often as needed to make them flawless from day to day. The oldest has braids that are frizzy... big deal. The youngest has her hair out and looks gorgeous in my opinion. Get a life and stop picking on children because they don't look like dolls. Ugh.

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