Chase,Enough is enough! I am so sick of this crazy president George Dubya. To think that he is going to get away with communting the prison sentence of Scooter Libby is just INSANE! I don't care if Scooter deserved the jail time or whatever, but I do think that it would have been acceptable if he served even a part of his sentence and then be pardoned by Bush as he left office, but NO, that's not the way the cookie crumbles in this administration! Scooter has been given a get-out-of-jail card and won't have to even serve a day of his sentence. Boy oh boy, I don't think that Bush even cares anymore about what the public says about his decisions. This is cronyism of the highest order and it disgusts me.
Well at least Scooter's defense lawyer Ted Wells (seen in the background picture) can rest at night knowing that Scooter won't be eating those nasty salami sandwiches that Paris Hilton refused while in the slammer!